Girlsfriend Oath
(The swearer of the oath should clasp the hand of a woman or girl.)
I, [name], solemnly swear, upon my honor, as a friend of women and girls:
That I will not make jokes or comments of a sexual or disrespectful nature about women or girls behind their backs, even if some people might find it funny or cool to do so;
That I will not share photos or video of a woman or girl that she would not want to be shared.
That I will bear in mind, and help others to bear in mind, that a woman or girl who dresses in a revealing or “sexy” way is not inviting men to have sex with her, and does not deserve to be harassed or disrespected because of her clothing choices.
That if the judgment of a woman or girl may be impaired by alcohol or drugs, leading her to engage in behavior that she might later regret, I will offer her my help, or find others who can help her.
That if I see or hear of a woman or girl being harassed, or abused, or attacked, in any way, I will offer her my help, or find others who can help her.
That in all these matters, I will not follow the crowd if the crowd is following the wrong path, but will follow my own moral compass; and be a friend to women and girls.
Note: This Oath is a “living” document. Please feel free to post suggestions for additions or amendments to the Oath. Your suggestions will be given due consideration. We apologize if we cannot respond to all individual posts.
Honor Roll Institutions